Customer Reviews

"It is a very nice product. zero addiction powder is really a savior. It has made me leave my 10 year old smoking habit. I have really benefited with the product. People out there trust me and use it just once. It is just superb. Head off to the makers of zero addiction powder."

"I started smoking to be little modern among my friends. Slowly and gradually it becomes my habit and there was a time when it becomes my need too. I started smoking 5 to 6 times a day. It was like an addiction that with many efforts does not went off. Then my mother came up with zero addiction Powder. And that I think is the ultimate solution for addiction problem because it really worked on me....."

"Zero addiction herbal powder is an amazing product. It has shown great results in my family. My father was an alcohol addict but is now free from addiction. All because of all addiction. It is simply great."

"Zero addiction Powder offers the perfect way to get out of addiction of various harmful substances. It is herbal and can even boost your health. I definitely like the product as it is this product because of which I am still alive. "

"It is really difficult to leave some habit once you involved in it so much. My father tried to help me a lot to overcome my drinking thing. One of his efforts was when he brought zero addiction powder for me and it worked. I have stopped drinking and it been 6 months now that I have not even sipped the alcohol. Thanks to Zero addiction powder."